Tag: boycott

  • The Red Dead Redemption 2 Online Boycott is a Bloody Good Thing

    The Red Dead Redemption 2 Online Boycott is a Bloody Good Thing

    Rockstar have come under a lot of fire towards the end of this year. Their poor treatment of workers caused some pretty justified outrage a few months ago. On top of that their games’ online economy has causes a lot of fuss with the RDR2 community. A Step Too Far? Rockstar have long been known…

  • A Complete Right-Wing Gamer Boycott List

    A Complete Right-Wing Gamer Boycott List

    If there’s one thing that the right-wing is known for, it’s their ability to take any difference of opinion or viewpoint with good humour. Unlike snowflakes who are consistently offended by literally everything and demand that things vanish or change, the right-wing has a mighty thick skin. Except they don’t, they are consistently and bafflingly…

  • Selling Games & Making Money Without Loot Boxes

    Selling Games & Making Money Without Loot Boxes

    Log onto any gaming news site or type in a specific hashtag on Twitter, and you’ll get the impression that these are the end days for gaming. While some players frequently cry wolf about the medium’s death, it would be remiss to discount the level of discussion and spite being thrown in the direction of…