Tag: fire emblem heroes

  • Fire Emblem: Heroes Needs All The Shirtless Men It Can Get

    Fire Emblem: Heroes Needs All The Shirtless Men It Can Get

    So about Fire Emblem. This is a series that, in its recent entries, wholeheartedly embraces gratuitous, ridiculous, or even borderline distasteful fanservice. Yet despite—or perhaps because of—how occasionally embarrassing these games are, I’ve developed something of a soft spot for them. The popular mobile game Fire Emblem: Heroes is perhaps the most blatant offender of…

  • Breaking Down Gaming’s Socioeconomic Paywall

    Breaking Down Gaming’s Socioeconomic Paywall

    “Do you own a Nintendo 3DS?” my homestay brother once asked. His question genuinely surprised me. I had yet to see a video game console at any of my previous homestays in the city of Durban, South Africa. That felt doubly true for the small rural area where I lived at the time. Even the…