Tag: PC

  • Wolfenstein 2: Do Nazi Lives Matter?

    Wolfenstein 2: Do Nazi Lives Matter?

    Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus is not a truly great Wolfenstein game, but it feels like a rung on the ladder to one. It carries the franchise’s history like a millstone carved from a beloved pet rock.  Unflinchingly self-conscious; at once brazen and apologetic.  The Wolfenstein name is both a slashed Achilles heel, and the…

  • It’s Not Your Fault You’re Fascist, Destiny 2

    It’s Not Your Fault You’re Fascist, Destiny 2

    I’ve always found the term ‘hate symbol’ misleading. Symbols, like technology, plain toast, and Jaheira from Baldur’s Gate are true neutral. We can charge them with significance or repurpose them, the same way we can use microwaves to heat burritos or build death-rays. Unless you’re Geralt of Rivia, though, a sign with no context is powerless.…