Tag: Trans

  • Streamer Raises Funds with Donkey Kong 64 Charity Stream

    Streamer Raises Funds with Donkey Kong 64 Charity Stream



    On January 18th, Twitch streamer Hbomberguy tweeted “here we go….HERE WE FREAKING GO”. With that simple message, he started a stream that would attract attention from all corners of the world.  Out of pure spite for transphobia and compassion for youth in need, a movement began. The Beginning This all began when Hbomberguy decided to…

  • How to Fix Polly Bendleson’s Representation in HuniePop 2

    How to Fix Polly Bendleson’s Representation in HuniePop 2

    In a recent video HuniePop 2 announced the addition of a character that had been asked for quite a bit. A trans girl named Polly Bendleson and I was excited at first. But over the course of the video they focused heavily on her genitals and how she has a penis. Shame on me for…

  • HuniePop 2 Announces & Immediately Fetishizes New Trans Character, Polly

    HuniePop 2 Announces & Immediately Fetishizes New Trans Character, Polly

    Some of you might be familiar with HuniePop, it’s a game with an adorable anime-esque art style about puzzle games and dating seductive and salacious ladies. If you’re familiar with Hunie Pop the game then you likely already know they’ll be doing a sequel. If you didn’t then you might want to check out this…

  • Catherine: Bad Representation Made Worse

    Catherine: Bad Representation Made Worse

    Catherine is getting a remake and adding new content, which sounds really cool considering it’s an additional storyline. The mood is soured when you remember how transphobic Catherine is, and it looks like it’s being made worse with the addition of this new storyline. The new story involves Rin a new romance option for the lead…

  • Birdo : Gaming’s First Transgender Character

    Birdo : Gaming’s First Transgender Character

    As time goes on we’re seeing more and more transgender and LGBTQIA game characters introduced to the world. When LGBTQIA people are included in some sort of media people are often quick to pick it apart and figure out whether the representation is positive, realistic, and helpful or whether it has harmful implications, misinformation, or hate.…

  • The Difficulties Of Being A Transgender Livestreamer

    The Difficulties Of Being A Transgender Livestreamer

    If you’ve read my bio or the title, I guess, you’re aware that I’m a transgender woman and an active livestreamer. But it’s not always easy doing both of those things. There are a few things some of us have to put up with. These problems are why somedays I don’t even want to turn…

  • The Sims Isn’t Just a Game, It’s a Therapy Tool

    The Sims Isn’t Just a Game, It’s a Therapy Tool

    There’s always been a bit of controversy around The Sims. From the way Maxis/EA handles monetizing content, to the frequency in which they implement features. But, for all intents and purposes, Maxis/EA is made of human beings and human beings are fallible. As others have pointed out, making games is hard work, and there are…

  • Stream Etiquette For Trans Allies

    Stream Etiquette For Trans Allies

    I’m sure you’ve all seen some variation of Twitch etiquette for different Twitch streamers. They typically have suggested rules that will make the viewing and chatting experience better for you and the streamer. But not everyone has met a transgender person before, or how to be an ally to them. I’m going to share some basic…