Tag: female
How to Fix Polly Bendleson’s Representation in HuniePop 2
In a recent video HuniePop 2 announced the addition of a character that had been asked for quite a bit. A trans girl named Polly Bendleson and I was excited at first. But over the course of the video they focused heavily on her genitals and how she has a penis. Shame on me for…
HuniePop 2 Announces & Immediately Fetishizes New Trans Character, Polly
Some of you might be familiar with HuniePop, it’s a game with an adorable anime-esque art style about puzzle games and dating seductive and salacious ladies. If you’re familiar with Hunie Pop the game then you likely already know they’ll be doing a sequel. If you didn’t then you might want to check out this…
Let’s Blame the Boogeyman for Call of Duty: World War 2’s Diversity
Some gamers are upset over some additions in Call of Duty: World War 2. Their first thought, of course, is to blame the Social Justice Mafia rather than think that it might be a marketing decision. What changes am I referring to? The developers put pride flag calling cards into the Multiplayer. Yeah calling cards, they’re small…