Tag: horror

  • Halloweegee Time: Playing Horror Games as a Complete Wuss

    Halloweegee Time: Playing Horror Games as a Complete Wuss

    I relate to Luigi a lot. He’s the sensible brother, sensing that the odds are against him and wisely retreating. Some may say that this is cowardice but I, for one, see the benefits of being scared shitless of anything remotely threatening. This applies to video games too so this year for Halloween, I set out…

  • Ten Horrifying Game Worlds We’d Rather Live in Than Post-Brexit Britain

    Ten Horrifying Game Worlds We’d Rather Live in Than Post-Brexit Britain

    As it’s October, it’s time to talk about all things scary. Nothing, it seems is more horrifying to Britons than the current state of affairs surrounding Brexit. Or for those not constantly bombarded by trash new paper headlines; Britain’s decision to leave the European Union, cut itself off from one of the biggest trade markets…

  • The True Horror of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

    The True Horror of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

    With a focus on horror and a return to its roots, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard breathed new life into a series that was struggling to maintain its following. This was achieved by neglecting common tropes in horror games, and instead plunging the player into a horrific setting: the sinking feeling that takes control of you…

  • Catherine: Bad Representation Made Worse

    Catherine: Bad Representation Made Worse

    Catherine is getting a remake and adding new content, which sounds really cool considering it’s an additional storyline. The mood is soured when you remember how transphobic Catherine is, and it looks like it’s being made worse with the addition of this new storyline. The new story involves Rin a new romance option for the lead…

  • Horror Games That Don’t Rely On the ‘Mental Illness is Scary’ Trope

    Horror Games That Don’t Rely On the ‘Mental Illness is Scary’ Trope

    If I asked you to think about the average horror game setting, then chances are that your mind probably wandered to an abandoned mental hospital, or a spooky forest inhabited by “crazy people.” I know mine does. The horror game market is so overly saturated in games about mentally ill villains, that it’s clear many…

  • Are Horror Games Becoming Gradually Less Ableist?

    Are Horror Games Becoming Gradually Less Ableist?

    It’s dark, you’re alone, and you find yourself walking down a long, dank and dirty hallway. Something is groaning and screaming in another room, so you look for a weapon. In a set of drawers filled with unwashed medical equipment you find a meat cleaver. The wailing is getting louder now, and you hear desperate…

  • Life Goals and Dead by Daylight

    Life Goals and Dead by Daylight

    The wooden-pallet crashes down, stunning my Killer character and giving the Survivors a chance to scatter like scuttling spiders. I mutter and swear as I destroy the barrier, before setting off in hot pursuit of a straggler. He dodges and weaves incredibly well, managing to lose me in a tangle of hay bales and dilapidated…