Tag: league of legends

  • Is There a Link Between Intelligence and Playing Video Games?

    Is There a Link Between Intelligence and Playing Video Games?

    The stereotype that gamers are lazy slobs has been floating around ever since video games were first invented. Although I don’t see anything wrong with leading a chill life, there’s now scientific research to prove the haters wrong. A recent study was conducted by the University of York (United Kingdom), on the link between video…

  • Halloween Events: A Great Way to Thank Your Fav Devs

    Halloween Events: A Great Way to Thank Your Fav Devs

    It’s easy to burn out on your fav game if you play it non-stop. One way game devs work to bring you back is by giving you sweet n’ spooky events. I personally can’t get enough of the Halloween Overwatch skins. Sure, some of the events cost irl money, but hey – if you like…

  • Mental Health & MOBAs

    Mental Health & MOBAs

    I used to be completely addicted to MOBAs. Every day I would come home from work, stick some mac’n’cheese in the microwave and settle in for a solid 6 hours of ganks, pushes, and base racing.  Before I realized it, my evening was over.  At the time, I might have thought that I was just…

  • League Of Legends Has A Power Fantasy Problem

    League Of Legends Has A Power Fantasy Problem

    If you’ve ever played League of Legends. Scrap that, if you’ve ever even heard of League of Legends, you’ve probably heard the discussion surrounding the objectification of its female characters. Tight shorts, midriff, a complete lack of body armor: these are some of the infamous hallmarks of League’s female cast. This discussion obviously isn’t exclusive…