Author: Kris Garratt

  • Fallout 76 Is Getting Lootboxes, Because Of Course It Is

    Fallout 76 Is Getting Lootboxes, Because Of Course It Is

    It seems that Bethesda can’t go more than a couple of days without embarrassing themselves. Since it’s November 14th release date, Fallout 76 has had a pretty rough time. Middling review scores, broken gameplay and a mighty controversy regarding a bag have damaged this once beloved franchises reputation almost beyond repair. At least it wouldn’t have…

  • Ten Horrifying Game Worlds We’d Rather Live in Than Post-Brexit Britain

    Ten Horrifying Game Worlds We’d Rather Live in Than Post-Brexit Britain

    As it’s October, it’s time to talk about all things scary. Nothing, it seems is more horrifying to Britons than the current state of affairs surrounding Brexit. Or for those not constantly bombarded by trash new paper headlines; Britain’s decision to leave the European Union, cut itself off from one of the biggest trade markets…

  • Solving America’s Police Problem with Door Kickers: Action Squad

    Solving America’s Police Problem with Door Kickers: Action Squad

    America’s police are having a hard time with their image at the moment. What with them breaking into other peoples homes and shooting them dead, or just beating people in Waffle Houses. It seems that the US police force can’t go too long without embarrassing itself. Because of this, we here at New Normative think…

  • The Top 5 Liberal Agendas in Gaming

    The Top 5 Liberal Agendas in Gaming

    Libtards are the worst, am I right? It seems like you can’t go a day without hearing something about “healthcare for all” or “representation needs to be expanded” blah blah blah. Who wants to hear it? Who has time for it? It seems like nowadays if you want to avoid this dribble your best option…

  • Explore the LGBTQ Game Archives

    Explore the LGBTQ Game Archives

    The internet is a vast, wonderful playground of information and arguably, video games have benefited it’s creation and release on the world more than any other form of media. If you want to find games that deal with heavy topics such as depression, mental health you can. If you for some reason wanted to find…

  • Why is a Kiss More Terrifying Than a Zombie?

    Why is a Kiss More Terrifying Than a Zombie?

    Picture the scene; you’ve just dropped cold hard cash on a new release, something you’ve been wanting to play for a while. The reviews were glowing, every trailer teased more and more information to get you worked up into a frenzy, the main character is a female, but it’s okay because she’s hot and you’re…