These Night in the Woods Soundtrack Covers are Everything


Infinite Fall’s Night in the Woods has crimed its way into our hearts since its release early last year, even more so with December’s Weird Autumn edition. It’s also gained a whole taco truck full of attention at the upcoming IGF awards, pawing nominations for the Seumas McNally Grand Prize, Excellence in Visual Art, and Excellence in Narrative categories. Hehe. Cat-egories.

While it feels harder to separate the parts that make Night in the Woods so special than it is to separate Mae from her friends, Alex Holowka’s soundtrack couldn’t have been more perfect. Well, ok, maybe it would have been nice to hear Angus growling through the songs, if only to drown out the sound of Mae’s terrible bass playing. Luckily, the infinite pool of talent that is Youtube (Erm, except that guy, obviously) has got us covered, literally. Here’s some of our favourite cover versions of the songs from Night in the Woods.

Die Anywhere Else – Ukulele Cover by Zetly

Witchdagger – Metal Cover by Dizchu

Gregg (Woods) – Piano Cover by Caliko

Pumpkin Head Guy – Punk Cover by RealKCT

Weird Autumn – Riot Grrrl Cover by Ebony Tails

There’s a load more gems on the tubes, but these were our favorites. Want more Night in the Woods? Head over to Cliqist to read our favourite Curious Cat insights from animator Scott Benson. Laterz, Trash Mammals!

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Nic Reuben

Nic Reuben likes to pause games every five minutes to ponder the thematic implications of explosive barrel placement. When he's not having an existential crisis over CAPTCHA verifications that ask him to prove he's not a robot, he's reading sci-fi and fantasy short stories, watching cartoons, and mourning the writing standards in Game of Thrones.